The 665 Gbps attack on “Krebs On Security”
During the month of September 2016, we have been monitoring the activities of the Ghost Squad Hacker (GSH), a hacker group that until then actively participated in different Anonymous operations as #OpIcarus targeting banks or #OpIsrael. In a YouTube video, s1ege spokesman of GSH stated that attacking the banks and the media in #OpIcarus and #OpSilence was a legitimate form of fighting for justice against the elites.
Our first reading of the events was that the attack against “Krebs on Security” did not fit into the modus operandi of these groups and rather tried to retaliate against a journalist that was openly disclosing how the “stress testing scene” works. Ghost Squad Hackers (GSH) is formed by (former) members of the Anon Ghost hacking group. These members departed from the group due to the Anon Ghost support of ISIS and their “Cybercaliphate”.
The ideological dispute around the support of ISIS resulted was aired publicly when members of the Anon Ghost Team openly criticized the hacking activities of Teamr00t and The Mauritania Hacker Team.